Is your voice getting you what you deserve?

Have you ever presented an idea that you knew was spectacular, life-changing, and profit-generating, but failed to convey it?

You knew in your mind and through experience and research that it was the one thing that will change your audiences’ lives. You were excited to share your wonders with the world, expecting audiences to jump out of their seats upon you revealing your profound idea.


At the end of your presentation, all you hear are crickets and pitiful claps of people that can’t wait for the next guy to rescue them out of boredom?

You ended up losing the audience, letting that opportunity slip out of your hand and to the next guy.

From things like a couple of sales to life-changing opportunities like investment deals and partnership?

The kicker is...

They had the EXACT same idea as you, but they were charismatic, and successful in reaching their audience and captivating them to take action.

That was me at the start of my music career. Every time I go on stage, my heart tries to break out of my rib cage, I would visibly sweat, and my voice would sound like a broken record/a nerdy movie hero asking his high-school crush to go on a date with him. 

Most of the time what makes the difference in your material being a home-run (- captivating the audience, making them jump off their seats) and singles and doubles (passing as additional information for your audience.) is:


And with everything being online now, sales calls, virtual events, video marketing, it becomes even more critical to captivate the audience - You need a voice that transcends screens, standing out from MILLIONS of others that are saying the same thing as you...

A Transcending voice - The Key to 10X-ing your life.

Imagine, what could a Transcending, influential, impactful and confident voice do for you?

What would being able to communicate your ideas profoundly, successfully, with the utmost confidence and sincerity do for you?

Throughout my 25 years career, I’ve seen voice coaching impacts people:


That could simply be
 communicating more effectively with a newfound charisma and confidence in their voice to their employees or potential partners.

Or that could mean nailing future meetings with clients, closing deals after deals, growing their company, and accomplishing their vision.

Or giving a killer presentation, whether through video, webinar, or live on stage in front of thousands of audiences that result in them going viral, and filling their pipeline with more leads than they can handle.


By increasing their confidence and happiness levels so much that they quit spending thousands of dollars on therapists.

From never feeling listened to or important to finding the voice that made others positively respond and pay attention to them.

Through transforming couples’ communications and relationships to go from divorcing to happily married

Anything that requires your voice, you will become more effective in it.

So how do you transcend the screens?

You can do it the hard way as I did: 

20 years of vocal training, singing to every note and enrolled in almost every “vocal course” out there. 

It’s boring, mundane, and many times even be damaging to your voice if learn the wrong techniques.

You can result to YouTube to find your content, or buy courses on vocal training, and have to motivate yourself and do your own research, monitor your own progress to make sure that what you learn actually works


If you want the 10X effect a Transcending voice can bring to you, without having to spend years of your life and thousands of dollars on daily vocal training sessions, countless hours of research, then look no further.

Meet Your Vocal Mastery Coach

Voice Coach

Schroeder Nordholt

Schroeder is a seasoned music educator, composer, producer & performer. His career spans over 25 years, during which he’s helped countless individuals access their musical potential, produced across multiple music genres, composed for film & tv, served as music director, voice coach and accompanist on musical theatre productions, and performed far and wide in numerous bands and as a sought-after piano bar entertainer.

Over the years he’s appeared on the better part of 1000 stages, and shared the stage with coaching and personal development luminaries such as Sean D. Stewart and Les Brown.

Currently Schroeder divides his time as a voice coach and composer. He is the founder of Mic Drop, the voice coaching method, guaranteed to guide professional speakers & leaders in having more confidence, persuasion, and influence when delivering their message, by tapping into their vocal potential and learning to harness its power so they can command the stage every time they speak, and make the sales & impact they’re truly here to make.

As a composer he works closely with business owners & entrepreneurs in drawing out the strengths & mission of their brand, and translating that into signature theme music, which elicits an emotional connection with their audience, creates deep customer-brand loyalty, and sets them apart from their competition.

Robin O'Donovan

Singer/Songwriter, Professional Speaker & Coach

Mic Drop helped me be more present with my breathing and anchor into my energy, which is absolutely invaluable to me as a speaker and singer. It gave me more confidence and calm, and helped me sell a dozen copies of my first course from the stage!

Schroeder's energy is infectious and he makes you feel like you’re actually in the room with him.

A fun way to improve your voice!

Russell Leon


I just did the first lesson in Beatles' Pack. It's great! I am just about to start a recording session. It centered me nicely and provided a relaxed, fun vocal warm-up. Nice to hang with you, great energy.

fiZ Anthony


Schroeder Nordholt’s unique vocal exercises have helped me to heal my voice and to be more mindful of my energy and my vocal chords so that I keep them protected.

Elizabeth Duncan-Hawker

"the Red Hawk," Best-Selling Author & Professional Speaker

Schroeder changed my life.

In the 2 decades that I’ve spent on stage, honing my voice every day, I’ve learned all there is under the sun about vocal techniques, breathing for vocals, and taken dozens of courses. 

I’ve spoken on dozens of stages, shared the spotlight with Les Brown and some of the best out there. I lost my voice and recovered it too many times.

 I’ve learned how to master one of our greatest assets, our voice the hard way. 

Now, I’ve compiled my 20 years of experience in the music industry, countless hours of training, and thousands of dollars I’ve spent on mastering my own voice and my students into a proven, step-by-step  6-weeks vocal mentorship program that will 10X your confidence, charisma, and persuasion - ultimately 10X-ing your life

Introducing the MicDrop Mentorship Program:

Developing your transcending voice and 10X your life,business and impact, and master the "MicDrop State"

The Result You Will Get

  • Transcending Voice

    Find YOUR alluring voice that captivates the room, giving you greater confidence, freedom, expressive range & control, projection, longevity, and vibrational resonance. Take control of any stage, any room. And take it easy on your friends when you go Karaoke-ing, you'll make them feel jealous of your new voice

  • Wholistic Health

    More confidence = better mood and energy. Once you start aligning with your true voice, voicing your true opinions with yourself and others becomes easier. You won't just notice changes in your voice, but your mental state, which will propel you to crush other areas of your life!

  • Professional Impact

    Engaged and riveted audiences, like they just watch SpaceX's successful rocket landing. Louder & longer applause. Standing ovations. More invitations for bookings. Increased sales. More IMPACT.

The Unfair Advantage...

The MicDrop STATE

Have you ever experienced flow?

It’s when you’re at peak performance, your movement, actions, and thoughts come natural, on a high level. 

Athletes on the highest level are able to tap into this state, almost every time they're on the field.

Well, the MicDrop State is like flow, but for speakers and performers.

Upon completing the program, you'll be able to switch your MicDrop State On/Off, just like a light switch.

In the MicDrop STATEyou are OOZING with confidence, charisma. You are ready to deliver a killer performance, whether that’s speaking on stage, closing a deal, or speaking on a webinar. Anytime and anywhere, you will deliver a performance so impressively, captivating your audience off their seats, reeling in raving fans, and metaphorically dropping the mic every time.

Imagine being able to tune into the MicDrop State when it matters.

It's like having an unfair edge over your competitors. Even they will be captivated by you.

Master This Unfair Advantage Today

Take Control of Every Room, Stage, Meetings and much more

"You promised I would have fun if nothing else, you were right!"

Cheryl Hutto - Life Coach & Professional Speaker

"The best gift I could give myself! I gained so much and saw such progress! I definitely recommend working with Schroeder to other coaching friends, speakers, and Toastmasters members."

What will you get today when you enroll in the MicDrop Mentorship Program?

1 Vocal Mastery Road Mapping Session. To get a pulse on where you’re at, your specific goals, and your tailored roadmap to mastering the key to 10X your life - Your Voice ($997 Value)

This road mapping session will give you CLARITY and a step-by-step MAP (Ooh ~ we entrepreneurs love clarity and plans of attack) so that you know everything you need to do to master your voice

This session alone will be worth your money alone and this is why this mentorship program works wonders.

People who want to develop their voice, usually turn to YouTube and online courses. But the thing about those two is…

You don’t know where you’re supposed to start…

You don’t know what training to do, how to progress, and it’s trial and error.

If you have to compare this session to something, it would be like a Fitness coach giving you the exact plan - with training for each stage of your progression, and for how long, what to eat every day - no more wondering if you’re doing it right or wrong, just follow and results will flood to you.

A professional Vocal Mastery Coach that guides you by the hand every step of the way ($ invaluable)

People say “you can’t improve at singing and speaking online…”

Why? It’s because nobody is there to guide you through each exercise and see your progress.

The thing about online courses and YouTube videos as well is that they require you to constantly remind yourself to use the tools, and be disciplined in applying what you learn.

Going through my mentorship program, however, I will be there with you each week, twice a week to guide you and train you on how to master your voice.

Mic Drop is designed to give you a safe space to improve, and you will feel like I’m physically there to teach you, motivating you to master your voice.

It’s like having your teacher/ tutor as an accountability partner. She's teaching you how to learn better while making sure you’re doing your homework and getting better. 

If high school was like that, I would have been valedictorian no doubt.

Six weekly 90-minute Training sessions. ($900 Value)

In these sessions, we’ll go over the core material, the “lecture” if you will.

These training sessions will arm you with the knowledge and technique that will dramatically improve your voice, and propel you into the realm of Mic Dropers

We will go over the 6 key principles in 6 weeks:

  • Week #1: Mic Drop Signature Warm-up
  • Week #2: Speech-Level Singing
  • Week #3: Resonance & Speech-Level Singing Deeper Dive
  • Week #4: Sing-Level Speaking: Singing a Speech or Scene 
  • Week #5: Singing Your Sales Pitch
  • Week #6: Resonance to Projection, and Tying it All Together! 

Six weekly 90-minute Mastermind Coaching sessions. ($1000 Value)

Show up with any question or concerns relating to the material, or anything with your voice and confidence. 

We will break it down, and help you find the best answer to your understanding

Students usually come to these sessions with a speech, or their regular sales pitch that they use every day, and we would break it down, and optimize it to achieve the “Mic Drop effect”, and close more sales

Mic Drop Private Facebook groups ($297 Value)

The safe, progressive space for mastering your voice with others.

Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who are also on their journey to mastering their voice and 10X-ing their lives.

A mastermind & networking circle to share tips & wins, post-practice videos, ask for & give feedback, advice & encouragement 

Lifetime Access To All Recorded Training Sessions, - The Lifetime Maintenance Tool Kit ($297 Value)

At no monthly fee or any catch, you’ll get to keep all recorded training sessions to review and polish your voice once every while.

Your voice is like a machine. For it to run smoothly and perform at its best, you need to do checkups and maintenance once in a while.

These recorded training sessions that are yours for life will be your maintenance toolkit for your voice. 

Review it every 3 months for best results!

A total value of $3491 worth of material individually.

You can join today, for just  $1497!!

See What My Students Have To Say After Going Through The Mic Drop Mentorship Program

MicDrop is designed to be HELLA fun and EFFECTIVE, using a proven, step-by-step method that guarantees results.

In fact, I’m SO CONFIDENT of what the Mic Drop method can do for you, that’s why I’m having this guarantee here:.


90 days after signing up and doing the training rigorously, if you don’t see noticeable improvements in your voice…

If you don’t feel more confident, more freedom in your voice….

If you don’t get compliments, praises from your loved ones and your audiences, and they don’t notice a change in your voice

If your voice - don’t get you more: salesmore applause, more gigs,

If you don’t feel good about your performances using your voice, enough to metaphorically “drop the mic” every time after going through the program…

IF you don’t “drop the mic” in all your performances and audiences are not jumping off their chairs...

Let me know, and I’ll personally wire $1497 back to you.

. "I have had great success with Mic Drop. I am back in the habit of using it every day to help increase my ability to sing and reach the high notes that I used to be able to reach. It's also changing my speaking voice and it is awesome. Thank you so much for sending me on an amazing journey."

Sher Graham - Speaker & Author

I was very skeptical as to what breakthrough Schroeder could give me...

Julie Musial - Musial Coaching

"I was very skeptical as to what breakthrough Schroeder could give me as I am currently not singing or public speaking. I’m very glad I took the time to meet with him. I did have a breakthrough on something that I have struggled with regarding my voice for decades. I was pleasantly surprised and found the session a valuable use of my time. If you think you don’t need his help, think again. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

What If When You Ask For Something, 

You Get It?

What if you are able to ask for something, and almost always, you get a yes


Whether that’s a sale…


A partnership…


Or asking someone you know for a favor…


We all know that it’s not always the case, and there could be a hundred reasons that could make a “no”.


But having a charismatic, transcending voice and being able to tune in to your MicDrop State when it matters will reduce 99 possible “no’s” that often arise because they don’t like you, or you weren't captivating enough for them.


The life skill of being able to master your voice, and to become more persuasive, confident, and influential, is worth a fortune. 


It really is invaluable, and you know it.


You are going to love the process, the voice plays, and you will love the results of experiencing newfound freedom in your physical and inner voice.


It WILL 10X Your Life!

P/s: if you’re still not sure how MicDrop could help you master your voice, 10x your life and make you more confident, better at persuading and impacting the audience, then go ahead and book a free consultation call with me to find out how MicDrop will help you.